, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 결혼 못하는 남자 / He Who Can't Marry ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Monday, June 28, 2010

결혼 못하는 남자 / He Who Can't Marry

Gyeolhon Motaneun Namja

2009 Summer Korean drama that is supposed to be a version of As Good As It Gets, starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.

Ji Jin hee is nothing at all like Jack in the looks department, but his character did portray a guy with a stick up his ass who must have everything his way, and who hates the idea of having to deal with society as a whole.

Instead of his being a hypochondriac with Monk-ish tendencies, Cho Jae hee kept running to the hospital in order to see and be with the girl he had an instant attraction to - Jang Moon jung (Uhm Jung hwa).

Moon jung is going on forty, and Jae hee sshi is already there, and while she is content to work as a doctor in a hospital, she still wants to have a baby, but he until the very end insists that love, marriage, and especially children, are out of the question.

The neighbor with the adorable, little dog isn't a gay artist but Jung Yoo jin (Kim So eun), a young girl house-sitting for her uncle while he's away.

I fell in love with Ji Jin hee the moment I saw him on the billboard above, and then as I watched this hilariously interesting drama, I became even more infatuated with him.

It took sixteen episodes to tell this simple story, but it could never be regarded as boring, tedious, or even troublesome.

I liked that he was an architect, that he met a lot of interesting people along the way, and that he remained true to form even til the very end.

I captured a lot of on-screen images, and I don't know why - but I'll share a few just because.

The dog stole the show:

I kept getting the sense that Yoo Ah in was the kid from Antique, and when I finally looked into it, I was right - though he didn't give off exactly the same vibe as he had in the movie.

He worked as an apprentice in the architecture firm and put up with a lot of bullsh*t from his boss, Cho Jae hee, but he remained loyal to the perfectionist with a terrific eye and serious passion for his work.

I kept noticing, and maybe it was just that the actress didn't want to wear the hard hat because it'd destroy her hair or something ... but in America, you can't enter a construction site without one, yet she and a few other characters always walked around without a hard hat on, and it made no sense to me.

Another curiosity about this drama was that the young girl was working really hard to pass some internship program, and then she ended up working in a bakery.


An internship program??

I don't get it.

And, here are some funny subtitles for your enjoyment:

I just don't get the time-space continuum aspect of the Korean language

or the repetitiveness

I'll bet it doesn't be less than a bakeries!

a 'what' mart?

and Finally, my handsome Ajusshi ~

I just had sex, everybody!!

Highly recommend this drama, and I'm really glad I picked this out as a relaxing, summer watch.


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