, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Le Grand Chef / 식객 / Shikgaek ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Le Grand Chef / 식객 / Shikgaek

Korean movie based on a manhwa about two gourmet chefs whose ancestors once worked in a royal palace.

Intrigue and treachery caused scandal to occur in the palace during World War II, sending one family off in shame while the guilty family continued to rise in the ranks.

Present-day ancestors still enjoy cooking, and during a battle over who serves the best Golden Blowfish, more treachery takes place when one of the dishes poisons the judges -

The innocent chef walks away, vowing to never enter the palace again while the perpetrator smugly grows richer with fame.

A few years later, a contest is held that will decide who will gain the title of heir to the last Royal Chef of the Joseon Dynasty, and those same, two chefs end up competing against one another again.

Kim Sang woo is handsome and worth staring at for nearly two hours, and the FOOD made me even more interested.

Lee Hana was hilarious in a dead-pan kind of way as the uninterested but soon-to-be involved filmographer for the contest.

When it was over, I wanted some Yakisoba.



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