, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Father - Ma-i Pa-deo - 마이 파더 ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Father - Ma-i Pa-deo - 마이 파더

This is funny:
Premiere Magazine’s 3rd Rising Star Awards recognized the talent of actor Daniel Henney (“My Father”) at a Busan hotel Saturday, at the 12th Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF). The private ceremony was very intimate, with close friends presenting prizes to awardees. Premiere Magazine chooses among works from the past two years, taking into account its artistic merit, popularity, influence, and brand power, as well as input from online polls.
“This is a very special award. It’s for acting, it’s an acting award,” said Daniel Henney, who gave a moving performance as a Korean adoptee in “My Father,” a breakthrough role that showed he’s more than just a pretty face.

So, I guess that finally answers my question about whether or not Ajushi Henney knows that he can't act.

I just watched My Father, and guess what people? Oppa Henney CAN act now! Well, to put it into better context, his acting has IMPROVED with this film.

My Father is based on a true story about a Korean adoptee from the States who joins the Army in order to be stationed in Korea, so that he can search for his birth parents.

I know, I didn't get that part, either ... but it must be possible to request where you are stationed when you join up now?

Anyway, they used more unknown American actors that can't act, so that might be why Oppa Henney shone so brightly in this flick, now that I think about it!

His character (James) goes to Korea, and he befriends a Korean that speaks relatively good English (Konglish actually, as do a majority of the people that interact with James throughout this flick), who also helps him to search for his biological parents. James ends up on a local television show that actually specializes in helping people to find lost loved ones(?)

It's interesting to note here the following about Oppa Henney: Daniel Henney Digs Into Own Life for New Movie. “I will try hard to use my personal experience of living in the U.S. to play James, who has lived his life feeling estranged as an adopted child,” Henney said.

(an aside: Although Henney is a certified heartthrob in Korea and amongst worldwide Korean pop culture fans, he is still a relative newcomer to the entertainment industry, starting only three years ago in 2005. A 6'2" American from Michigan (father is British American, mother is Korean American)

So, what is the need to try and be as American as he can, if that's what he is already?

Back to the movie

A prisoner on death row claims to be his father, and he even has a picture of James as an infant. They get to know one another, but we never, actually find out much about his real mother.

I'm curious to know why Koreans refer to tuberculosis as asthma?

My Father is a good movie, and it's not at ALL like anything I've ever seen from that country, either ... which was a welcome and refreshing change from the sappy, sweet norm. I don't know why, or even how, but Asians have a knack for telling a story unlike anything that Hollywood could ever dream of charging us $20 a head to see. From the very start of a movie or drama, the writers manage to suck you in and keep you riveted for the duration, and I adore this!

I adore aboh Henney, too.



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