, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How I Spent My Valentine's Day ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Friday, February 14, 2014

How I Spent My Valentine's Day

Wishes can and sometimes do come true - if you're like me and possess a vivid imagination along with a steady dose of will-power. It takes a lot of thought and work to devise a scheme this rich, and I'll admit without shame to its needing a few YEARS to finally culminate here in this blog.

To those of you who enjoy our Asian celebrities ~ Pop / Thespian ~ and continue to cling to a part of the mystique that is Asian Drama, I present to you that wish on a day dedicated to love and romance.

Choi Jin hyuk phones to let me know the day is dawned and I need to wake up and start to get ready for one hell of an Asian Sensation experience - fantasy Valentine style.

Since this is my day and my imagination, I'm allowed to insist that he stay on the line and continue to talk - to say anything - anything that comes into his head so that I can listen to his sexy voice while I shower and get dressed for said fabulous experience - a once in a lifetime day created by me.


Leaving the bedroom, I find Lee Chun hee in the kitchen. He's just prepared breakfast for two. Linen tablecloth, fine china, and a small tealight candle floating in the centerpiece surrounded by flower buds. What he's prepared isn't as important as his having prepared it - for us. His being there first thing in the morning is all that matters. It matters that he is gazing at me with those intense, slightly mischievous eyes of his. It doesn't matter if it's what I want to eat or not because as soon as he smiles, I'm not mentally there anymore. I'm eating, but I'm not tasting anything. Not that I would dare tell him as much since he went to all that trouble on my account. It wouldn't matter, really, if the meal were slightly over or under-done, either. I wouldn't know that until later, when the stomach cramps arrive. But, that isn't romantic. What is romantic is finding Lee Chun hee in my kitchen, and that's all that really matters on a day like this. He would never think to do anything half-assed, so no need to worry about being poisoned by the Master.


I need something special to wear. Something sexy, flirty, and enticing for the big night ahead. Sure, the whole day is meant to be exciting, but it always has to culminate in a grand finale - like fireworks displays - saving the very best for last. I need something that will make him stand up and take notice, so when I open the door to leave on this shopping excursion, it delights and thrills me to find Park Ki woong waiting in the driveway, standing alongside his expensive, red sports car waiting to take me on the fashion excursion of a lifetime.
The problem (if you can look at it that way) is that I'd rather hang out with Ki woong-sshi and not force him to have to put together something smashing so that I can get intimately romantic with another man. Not that Ki woong would care - he's too sweet, too considerate to worry about his own feelings and would want to do anything I suggested, because that's just who he is and how he rolls.

So between shops we spend time at a cute bistro chatting over cheesecake and tea, and sitting near a water fountain snacking on hot pretzels while we people watch. I learn as much about him as I can while he manages to get in enough comedic relief and witticism as he possesses to make us laugh. A lot.


Time has flown by and I sadly bid a fond adieu to cutie-pie because if I want this hot date to come off without a hitch, then I need to get my body in tune. So, now it's off to the gym. Trainer(s) are important to guard against injury, and on a day like this, injury isn't an option. Of course, with little time and plenty of free imagination on my hands, I'm able to hire not just one Choi Si won to aid my endeavor but as many delectable bodies as one woman of my gymnastic abilities can handle. It'll take awhile to get the hang of a stair stepper, the incline walker, and I'll definitely need spotters if I hope to lift anything without falling over. Then again, it might be nice to lose my balance on occasion in a place like this, filled to the rafters with perfectly proportioned and neatly sculpted artwork covered in flesh.

I'd be overjoyed to get a little assist from the likes of Seo In guk and Lee Byung hun. They're all three welcome to hover, reach out, and touch whenever the need arises.

oh, and Him, too


Now that I've spent an hour sweating, it's time to relax those muscles. Another hour of soothing massage, plenty of aroma therapy, and soothing background music. 

This - lucky me - is a threesome experience. The head, the body, and the feet - in that order.

Oh Ji ho is up front, massaging the head/shoulders. I want him to talk to me about himself while he's working his magic fingers. I especially expect the man to smile.

I need him to help clear my mind and relieve the tension from my shoulders so that when this date night finally does arrive, I won't be so nervous or look that way while seated across the dinner table from Mr. Perfect.

Ji ho-sshi must remember to smile, or all bets are off.

The General - General Choi, that is - is in charge of the body. Kneading, rubbing, and smoothing his hands along my arms, chest, abdomen, back, and hips. Why? Because I want just as much of a reason to steal the occasional glimpse at Han Jung su's fine ass as I'd need to see handsome Ji ho smile. To unwind of course.

Finally, there are the hips, the thighs, the calves, and the feet. 

This happens to be the most sensitive area of my body. Aside from not liking to have my armpits touched (makes me angry, actually, it's that knee-jerk reaction sensitive) there are three areas of the lower region that cause just as intense a reaction when touched by anyone other than myself.

I'll keep it clean and just admit that the bottoms of my feet are totally off limits to anyone who doesn't know what they're doing. Because of the sensitivity issue and a need to unwind, I leave that delicate job in the capable yet experienced hands of our #3 man at the spa, sexy Song Seung heon.

Do a great job, gentlemen - I'm leaving my body (and soul) in your likely-to-be capable hands for the next gloriously sensual hour.

It's probably safe to say that a decision at this point in my day to switch gears and concentrate on things more mental than physical would be moot.


They aren't just for intellectuals, you know, and even if it wasn't Valentine's Day, it wouldn't be so bad to walk into said make-believe store on any day in my make-believe world and know that the owner was just as smart as he is attractive. That a majority of the male customers who enter the place are just as delightful to the eye as they are to the ear and soul. This is the type of place where I want a majority of my senses stimulated in more ways than just one. I want to hear profound things, listen to passages in a deep, resonant voice, and taste some exotic, frothy creation with a totally amazing picture on top - something cool enough to make me want to take a picture and post it online - that kind of a drink in that kind of a place; surrounded by those types of men. A cozy lounging area surrounded by not just books but all of the glimmering, brightly colored, attic find nick-knacks Korean set designers use to make those special places all the more special and inviting.

Kim Min jong owns this place - literally and figuratively - which is why I frequent his imaginary store; as much to see him as I do to unwind, browse through magazines and books, sip something delicious, and surround myself with great company.

The place is crowded today, too.



With all of the gentlemen I've longed to have a conversation with about themselves, their careers, their favorite and least favorite moments in life, their likes and dislikes, their darkest secrets, and what they find most appealing about women in general.

Some are worth it just to be able to watch, study, and observe without really needing to catch their attention or want to disrupt their reason for being there. All of them captivate me in one way or another, though, and it wouldn't be bad to have the chance to interview these guys in a casual setting.

I simply want to know more ...

Right, so I awakened to the sexy sound of Choi Jin hyuk, ate a delicious breakfast with mysterious Lee Chun hee, went on a fun shopping excursion with Park Kee woong, worked out with Choi Si won, Lee Byung hun, Seo In guk, and Rain. Then it was down-time at the spa with Oh Ji ho, Han Jung soo, and Song Seung sun before heading over to Kim Min jong's cafe, where today I got to sit and philosophy with the interesting likes of guys as fine as Hyun Bin, Toru Nakamura, Jang Hyuk, Sakai Masato, Fujiki Naohito, and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi.

So, I'm not running late but need to head across town for appointments with the manicurist, hair stylist, and make-up artist.


The one-stop salon is crowded on a romantic day like this, but I've made my appointments well in advance, so no worries.

When it comes to getting nails done, it isn't simply about what you'd like them to look like at a particular moment in time. There is the element of touch involved that makes the experience irritating, nondescript, or a pleasure depending on who it is holding your hands for such a long time.

I want to hold hands - for a really long time - with Ikuta Toma.

Being able to sit across a tiny table from this guy is my idea of a great time. Stimulating, provocative, and no-doubt a blast to chat with for any length of time.

He'll say a lot of silly things to make me laugh or even blush, but even better, I'll let him decide about the nail design and color scheme.

100% confidence in this man's capable hands, and I just know he'll do me right.

I expect more than just a thank-you hug from this guy. We have to kiss when he's through, too. The European cheek/cheek thing and then the American lip-smack.

The way you style your hair - or not - could make or break a budding relationship, sad to say. It all depends on your self-confidence and his true intentions. Is he after you because you're pretty and he'd like to see more of what you've got to offer, or is he a potential keeper and more interested in what's going on underneath all that pretty?

Either way, on a day like today, my notion is to go all-out in the look my very best category.

From the initial consultation to the shampoo/rinse and eventual styling, I can't think of anyone better for this particular job than Mr. Perfect himself, Kimura Takuya.

The thought of having someone as mystifying, handsome, and happy in a perpetual sort of way as Kimu-Taku wash my hair gives me goose bumps. Massaging my scalp with his fingers, looking at him and his upper body so close to my face while I'm in a prone position leaning back over the sink, and then having such amazing dazzle stare at me in a mirror while he proceeds to sculpt a masterpiece AND carry on a great and upbeat conversation is my idea of heaven.

I'd get my hair done at least once a week if this were actually true, too.

Again, I'll let him decide what's best when it comes to styling my hair because like Toma-san, I have a feeling that Takuya-kun will make me beautiful.

We definitely have to kiss when it's through, too. European, American, and a bit of a linger as well. He'll wink at me, too, before leading me to my final destination - the face.

I've been around long enough to know what works for me and what doesn't; what looks natural and what doesn't. Still, when it comes to two applications on my face, I really suck. Eye liner and lipstick. Don't ask why, though, I just never get it right.

Which is why I leave this part of my romantic journey in the no-doubt-about-it capable hands of Kamenashi Kazuya.

I'll hug him in greeting and linger awhile in his beauty before asking his advice. Then I'll sit and stare at him some more while he goes on about his craft, what he sees in me, and what he believes will bring out whatever that is he says he sees. I might think to interrupt him and suggest that he try and make it look as unforced and effortless as he can, but then I doubt that'll be necessary. He's cornered the Pretty market, so I'm not too worried.

When I'm through reveling in this guy's touch, which would likely leave an indelible mark on at least my chin, I'll hug him again in gratitude before the customary European and American kissing - being careful not to mess up his work, though.

As I'm leaving the salon, I bump into a few guys who are interested in having some fun.

I've got plenty of time so it isn't a big deal that I choose to run around town with them.

We take in an action movie first - RoboCop - before browsing all of the vendors wares on one of those quaint, Seoul side streets that sometimes appear in movies or dramas to make you wish you were there and had a ton of cash at hand.

I let the guys buy me whatever catches their eye and that they think best suits me or my taste.

Then we head on over to the equivalent of 7/11 and stand at the window eating ramen. 

We laugh, joke around, kid one another, and try to get someone to admit their secret crush.

After, we head on over to that artsy area of the city and get our selfies on standing in front of the angel's wings painted on the wall. 

Group pictures are a given, of course.

It's best to hang with these guys during the day and preferably outside - unless it's raining, and then we could hang out in a mall or at the gaming center for awhile. 

I'd want it to be an enriching, rewarding experience so no nightclubs with too many people, in a confined space where it's too dark to really see anyone, and too loud to be able to hear what anyone has to say.

For at least an hour we'd do as many stupid, pointless, and hilarious things as we could think to do. 

Because it's spontaneous like them, and fun, like they are on screen.

Again, it would be pointless to experience a day such as this if I wasn't able to probe them for in-depth coverage of their daily lives, their interests, their bad habits, their secrets, and even love's lost or budding romances. 

I'd want to know it all and not be afraid to ask just like they'd want to share it all in between trying to win me a stuffed animal from the claw machine on the corner and forcing me to eat just about every food vendor's fare as we walked along having such a wonderful time together.

I'd want a piggy-back ride from Lee Min ki.

I'd expect Kim Woo bin to comply when I ask that he walk out into traffic and stop it so we can all cross the street.

And I'd like it very much if Kim Jae wook sang out loud without feeling self-conscious.

I'd expect them all to make me laugh, of course, but Lee Min ki has to hold my hand while he's doing it, Kim Jae wook has to hug me at least three times in the course of an hour, and I'd need just as many cheek pecks from Woo bin.

Okay, so enough fun and games.

It's time to get back home and prepare for the big night.

While soaking in a hot tub, he sends me a text message asking if we're still on for tonight. Naturally, I wait a full half-hour before sending a reply with the simple word - yes - though it does have a heart on each side. We don't want to be too aloof during as critical a time as this, do we?

My stomach suddenly has butterflies, making it difficult to keep down anything other than mint water.

I take a brief nap so that I'm revived and ready when 8:00 arrives and I have to leave for the expensive hotel restaurant where he's made reservations a year in advance.


When I arrive at the restaurant, No Min woo is there to help me out of the taxi and escorts me to my table. We pause to get our picture taken together, and he lets me hug him.

An orchestra is playing (because that is just the way it needs to be), but suddenly along comes Kim Hyung joo playing a violin. He stands before my table and finishes the song before bowing. I gaze breathlessly at his handsome, smiling face ... and then recruit a waiter to take our picture. I get to kiss him on the cheek, and he hugs me tight in return.

That waiter is Lee Seung gi. He'll be catering to my table all night long, spiriting over every time my wine glass gets low or it looks like I might want his help. I can't help wanting to chat up my handsome waiter with the cheeky smile and cute face. I get a few, good pictures with him, too. The hugs and kisses won't occur until after the dinner date ends, though.

The time finally comes for me to reveal my dream date.

The guy I'd give anything to see in living color, for real, at this very moment, and dine with via candlelight, soft music, and in an intimate yet relaxing enough setting that we're not both intimidated or distracted by the ambiance, the high-class patrons, and their nearness to our conversation.

I would love to meet this man, feel his touch, hear his voice, experience his smile, disappear in his gaze, and memorize his scent.

I'd spend as much time as I possibly could getting to know the real him and all his secrets. I'd expect him to talk about himself a majority of the time yet show me how classy he is by anticipating my needs and making me feel worthwhile in his Princely presence.

I'd want to have this experience with every guy I included in this ridiculously silly Valentine's Day blog, too, just none more than him ... a guy I've had a long-distance crush on for more than ten years now and STILL find him to be one of the most attractive, manly, and interesting guys on the planet.

He's someone I base a lot of my main characters off of in my writing. Even when I try not to go there, I always end up including at least a part of this guy in my hero.

and that man is ...

Takeshi Kaneshiro

Not sure how many of you I managed to fool, but it doesn't end there.
When the dream date ends and I return home, guess who's waiting for me there?

He's strewn flower petals from the entrance to my bedroom, the lights are dimmed, and there are scented candles lit here and there.

I find a huge (basket) of chocolate on the coffee table in the livingroom, and there is romantic, soothing, sensual music playing not too loud.

Intrigued, I make my way slowly toward the bedroom - careful to follow the flower petal path that leads me to him.

Pushing open the door, I notice that the room is also lit up only by scented candlelight, enveloping the second surprise of the night in a misty silhouette atop my bed.

Ingeniously, he's somehow managed to highlight the huge flower bouquet in his hands, showing me a magnificent spray of colorful roses he's holding - at his bared chest - for me to delight in, but not for too long.

Once inside the room, I'm better able to see just who it is I'll be spending one hell of a romantic night with.

When I do, I waste no time AT ALL getting more comfortable and diving between the sheets with ...

and so ends my playful romp through fairy tale land with y'all.

Hope your Day for Lovers turns out as happy as the one I just created!


Please Be Nice