, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dramafever Borrow #2 ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dramafever Borrow #2

In response to's latest quiz: Which K-drama second lead is your dream man?

Here are my results:

C. Drums
D. Scruffy, manly, and not afraid to sport some facial hair
B. Everyone in his family is dead. Everyone.
A. 30s and established professional
A. Philip: He has some sly wit, and he's not bad in a fight, either
C. Laughing and joking around wherever you are--even at a grocery store
C. Comedic relief
A. "The Way You Look Tonight", Frank Sinatra

And here are the two choices based on my responses (A and C)

You like the nice, sweet, clean-cut type, but with a little bit of an edge. Once you taste his cooking, you're more than willing to overlook his shady past. Look forward to a future of long talks over scrumptious meals!

C. Jeremy, You're Beautiful

You want someone who makes you laugh. Whenever you're having a bad day, you can count on him to make you feel better. Bonus: You can hang out with his dog, Jolie!

How did you do?



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