, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 January 2010 ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

婚カツ! / Konkatsu!

Marriage Hunting!I just finished watching this 11-episode 2009 drama from Japan, and while it received mixed reviews at, I thought it was fabulous and I recommend it!In all fairness to the show, a lot of the lukewarm reviews had to do with the fact that Ueda Tatsuya as Amamiya Kuniyasu had a bit-part and wasn't the lead actor.Another thing some people did was to assume this was a food drama when its title clearly represents itself as Marriage...

Friday, January 22, 2010

氷の世界 / Koori no Sekai / Ice World

This came out back in 1999, but who cares!The picture was flawless, the subtitles were absolutely marvelous throughout, and the storyline kept me hooked for the duration, too.Takenouchi's character is an insurance fraud investigator who ends up being drawn into a fascinating case where a young woman, a school teacher so maddeningly beautiful that she has guy after guy falling in love with her only to end up dying shortly after he cancels an insurance...


April through June, 2009 Japanese drama that stars -Takenouchi YutakaYes, this one deserves all, five suns!It's about a rag-tag group of detectives from various departments in and around the Tokyo area who converge to form a so-called secretive team but who are actually relegated to the 'basement' section of the department because of insubordination or other, disciplinary issues in their career records.The lady cop apparently fell in love and that's...

できちゃった結婚 / Dekichatta Kekkon / Shotgun Marriage

A July through September, 2001 Japanese drama that stars -Takenouchi YutakaHe didn't look this hot in the show, but what the hell.THIS was a good story with an interesting plot and characters, but I wasn't, too fond of the leading lady - Hirosue Ryoko as Kotani Chiyo.Her hair was too short and there was something wrong about her canine tooth that drove me nuts throughout all, 11 episodes.Takenouchi plays the part of Hirao Ryunosuke, a 30-year-old...

それは、突然、嵐のように… / それは、突然、嵐のように... / It was sudden, like a storm...

January through March, 2004 Japanese drama that stars this guy -YamapiIt's supposed to be about a woman (Esumi Makiko as Ogawa Kozue ) married for nearly 10 years and with no children, who lives with her husband and her parents above a small flower shop, and she is at a crossroads in her life ~ wondering, did she make the right decisions and, is this all there is?It's dialogue within character study that you might, not comprehend if you have to...

Taiyou no Kisetsu / 太陽の季節 / Season of the Sun

2002 Japanese drama that stars a very young Takizawa Hideaki as Tsugawa Tatsuya, a tormented child who enters a prestigious college with the sole purpose of getting back at the people he presumes to be the reason for his childhood trauma.Because it always tends to be about $$$$$ in Japan, you can probably guess, if you haven't seen this one yet, that Tatsuya lost his father to suicide due to creditors and debt incurred by the unsuspecting man, so...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Second Proposal / 두번째 프러포즈 / Du-beon-jjae Peu-reo-po-jeu

2004 Korean drama that stars my man, Oh Ji ho!This was my first experience with timing and subtitle issues at - but despite that, I watched all, 22 episodes because the story sucked me in right from the start and kept me spellbound for the duration.D-Addicts was what ruined it for me and the dozens of other viewers who complained about timing issues and horrible translation.Along with this frustration was the convoluted summary of the drama...