2007, eleven-episode Japanese drama that stars Yamashita Tomohisa as Iwase Ken, a shy-guy who has had a crush on a girl since the third grade, but who is too aloof to actually let her know, much less go out of his way to prove it to her.
Boy and girl make other friends, and the five hang out together much of the time,

and then in their senior year of high school, a teacher-in-training appears to upset Kenzo-kun's seemingly happy existence.

The drama begins with Kenzo-kun arriving late to a wedding: his best friend's wedding - the girl and Tada sensei's wedding.
He's bereft of emotion as it is, and though his heart is aching, Kenzo-kun can do nothing more than watch as what he's always assumed was his by right is taken from him not by force, but by natural occurrence.
Kenzo is asked to make a speech to commemorate his relationship with the wedded pair, and even then, he can't come to terms with his own shortcomings, much less admit the truth.
During a slideshow presentation, he wonders what went wrong and why it isn't him seated beside the only girl he's ever loved when suddenly a bright flash of light blinds him ...

and ... A Yosei, or fairy godfather, appears,

... taking Kenzo-kun by surprise while also freezing time so that only he knows what is going on.

Each episode has Kenzo-kun going back in time,

to the event in the slideshow, so that he can un-do whatever he hadn't done to make the girl see just how much he cared.
and then, when the assignment is over, and he has to return to reality,

he finds out whether or not his second attempt has any impact on the ceremony.
Throughout the long but NEVER dull journey through his past, Kenzo-kun helps the people around him more than himself, which isn't a bad thing, it just made me (and others at aznv.tv) wonder if his attempts were, perhaps, half-hearted, or if he maybe wasn't, really interested in getting the girl.
I liked this concept, I enjoyed the story, and I adore Yamapi, so Operation Love was a hit with me.
There was a 'special' that came after the eleven-episode drama, and it was meant to clear up things left hanging at the very end.

or, does he simply continue to help others in obtaining their ultimate goals instead of taking care of number-one?
Here are more images, and I hope a few of the clips work here.

funny observation: DKNY came up in a conversation among the friends at the hamburger joint of their youth, and Kenzo-kun mistakenly decifered the acronym as Don't Knock New York.
Of course, there was no such thing at the time (since he time-traveled), but later, 'Don't Knock New York' began to appear on items and even an eatery - but, if you look at the handle bag he's trying to win, it shows a picture of the Statue of Liberty ex'd with a door behind it.
The writer didn't try very hard to figure out the real meaning, or they didn't care one way or the other, which is a pity.
The 'knock' here references the slang term for 'put down' or 'dis' - it's not a literal translation of the word by any means.

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