, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 2010 ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Karei-naru Ichizoku / 華麗なる一族

The Grand Family 2007, 10-episode melodrama that stars Kimura Takuya AND Nakamura Toru and is loosely based on a novel about the real-life story of Manpyo Daisuke; a banker at the time of Japan's reorganization period in the late 1960s.The drama, however, delves into the life of Daisuke's son, Teppei - played by Kimura-san.Remember when I said I was getting bored with the sameness of the characters Kimura-kun tended to portray...

エンジン / Engine

2005 JDorama that stars Kimura Takuya as a washed-up Formula-1 racer who returns from the European circuit and tries his best to start over again with his original team, though that doesn't go quite so well as Kanzaki Jiro would like.His widowed father now runs an orphanage for kids who are abandoned by their parents, and despite his aloof nature, Jiro uses his own brand of coping with the new members of his family, which happens to go against...

グッドラック!! / Good Luck!!

Yes, I would get on this plane and fall asleep without worry knowing my pilot, Shinkai Hajime, is at the helm!If you can't tell, I have a fear of flying on aircraft, though I do it on occasion, and while watching this 10-episode, 2003 JDorama, it made me wonder if knowing that the pilot or co-pilot were handsome, that it might, somehow help me to relax.I doubt it, but then again, I can't be too sure, since it is usually the moment...

流星の絆 / Ryusei no Kizuna

Ties of Shooting Stars This was a two-fer in that Kazunari Ninomiya AND Nishikido Ryo star in this 10-episode, 2008 JDorama about three siblings who sneak out of the house late at night in order to watch the Leonid meteor shower (despite the pouring rain and their father's stern warning to forget about it and go to bed), and when they return home, they discover the brutal slaying of their parents. Of course, the three...

그 남자의 책 198쪽 / Keu Namjaui Chak 198Jjeuk

Heartbreak Librarywho is she? 2008 Korean movie that stars Lee Dong wook as Jun oh and Eugene as Cho Eun su.She is a librarian who catches the culprit who has been ripping out page 198 of most every book in the library.Jun oh is a tall, quiet man who is trying without success to find the answer to a riddle his late girlfriend, who loved to read and checked out more than 400 books at that, particular library, left him: Look on p. 198He seems...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Life / ビューティフルライフ

28,246 total views at, and not surprising that most viewers gave this a 5-star rating.2000 JDorama that stars Kimura Takuya as Okishima Shuji - a hair stylist at the inaptly named Hot Lip salon.Shuji-kun is from a wealthy family of doctors, but because he's baka, it became inevitable that he walk away from his past and carve out a new path of his own.Early in this 11-episode drama, his beautiful, kimono-clad mother demurely seeks...