, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 I Miss You ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I Miss You

보고싶다 / Bogoshipda / Missing You

2012, 20-episode MBC melodrama with a lot of suspense tossed in the mix that starred Park (Micky) Yoo chun and Yoon Eun hye.

The synopsis states that as youngsters (15) poor, picked on Lee Soo yeon (Eun hye) with a heart of gold despite her unfavorable circumstances meets and experiences a first crush on believe-it-or-not handsome rich kid, Han Jung woo (Micky).

Another Cinderella story, but I let that irritating aspect go because I like Park Yoochun and wanted to see how well he stood up in this compared with Rooftop Prince.

At about the same time poor, picked-on Soo yeon meets lonely but friendly and charming Jung woo, she also discovers a young boy locked away in a ramshackle apartment in an alley near her home and peeks inside the barred windows. Shocked to see a serious wound on his leg, she wants to help but is diverted and must leave.

The reason Jung woo is so lonely and easily makes friends with the cute, forlorn Soo yeon is because he doesn't have a nice home life. His mother is gone and his father is a ruthless horror with no heart or soul.

There is a connection between the two young males that isn't touched on for awhile, and even when it is, it becomes easy to forget as the story progresses.

The father has done another senseless, cruel deed, and this time the vengeance involves Jung woo. He and Soo yeon are kidnapped, dragged to an abandoned warehouse and tied up together.

One of the accomplices leaves, and the other (we're supposed to believe he is a coke-head, I think) wanders back inside the warehouse with the intention of raping Soo yeon (because he's high).

For an undisclosed but necessary reason, Jung woo ends up escaping without Soo yeon, and this memory is a theme for them both for the duration of the show.

He grows up to be a detective and slowly begins to unravel the mysteries that led to his being kidnapped, and about why his father behaved the way he did.

After the kidnapping and rape, Soo yeon manages to make her way out of the warehouse, but she's struck by a car and experiences amnesia.

She's with Kang Hyung joon (Yoo Seung so) now, and later, the two end up in Paris together where she becomes fashion designer Zoe and he becomes Harry.

Jung woo never forgot Soo yeon and ends up moving in with her mother, taking good care of her and vowing to help locate the missing Soo yeon.

It's a cute relationship where they call each other lovers, and Jung woo remained affectionate, concerned, and diligent throughout the show. It helped draw the viewer to him in a way that wouldn't otherwise be expected after what happened, but his grief knew no bounds and made it difficult for anyone not to sympathize.

There were enough flash-backs and re-caps to keep us reminded of those incidences and his reactions as well.

Zoe and Harry end up going back to Korea (against Harry's wishes) but it's a necessary evil if the story is to be wrapped up and all of the missing puzzle pieces are to be put in place.

The ending, however, was a mixed bag for me. Pathetic, sad, and even somewhat disappointing yet also magical, rewarding, and sweet.

Yoo Seung so's Hyung joon (Harry) had a right to behave the way he did, yet his end was the part that left me in tears.

It was sad to see him that way, and he portrayed the character so well it became pointless to try and hold them back.

He left for his mandatory enlistment right after this drama, and when I looked him up, it said his nickname is Little So Ji sup.

I don't know why and can't figure it out much less find anything related to the topic online.

I don't agree if it has anything to do with looks. Still, he's adorable and worth watching in some of his old stuff as well as anything he intends to pursue after his discharge.

If you haven't watched this yet, do. This is twice for me, and it wasn't a wasted effort either time.


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