, pub-1996401214588839, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 2014 ~ Asian Drama Queen

The Queen of Asian Drama is Back with more Irreverent Reviews and Snarky Commentary.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lucky Seven

ラッキーセブン 2012, 10-episode FujiTV detective drama that starred Matsumoto Jun as Tokita Shuntaro, a 'freeter' who is great with women as well as reading people. The story unfolds with some private detectives spying on a married woman having frequent interval sex with an unsuspecting Shuntaro. The PI's pop the woman, and the next day, when Shuntaro calls her for another bit of afternoon delight, she tells him to stop calling her on account...

I Miss You

보고싶다 / Bogoshipda / Missing You 2012, 20-episode MBC melodrama with a lot of suspense tossed in the mix that starred Park (Micky) Yoo chun and Yoon Eun hye. The synopsis states that as youngsters (15) poor, picked on Lee Soo yeon (Eun hye) with a heart of gold despite her unfavorable circumstances meets and experiences a first crush on believe-it-or-not handsome rich kid, Han Jung woo (Micky). Another Cinderella story, but I let that...

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Golden Empire

Empire of Gold / 황금의 제국 / Wanggeum-ui Jegook 2013 SBS K-dorama about a Chaebol family, their legacy, greed, and influential power over all else in their tiny corner of the world. It's about a poor guy from a poor section of that world who is down-trodden, brow-beaten, and disillusioned by it all. After losing his father to that corrupt system, he vows revenge. Another Korean rehash of another Korean over-borrowed genre that played...

Friday, May 09, 2014

Zeni Geba

Money Crazy, 銭ゲバ 2009, nine-episode NTV JDorama that starred Matsuyama Kenichi as Gamagori Futaro, a child of the system who grows up to avenge in a sociopath's style. If you haven't seen this yet, or if you chose not to watch it because of the synopsis, you've made a big mistake. Yes, it's dark and even hideous in nature, but well worth the nine episodes it took to tell the tale. And, the synopsis wasn't written well or accurate, either. First...

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Nodame Cantabile

2006, 11-episode Fuji-TV JDo that starred Ueno Juri as Noda Megumi aka Nodame (Piano) and Tamaki Hiroshi as Chiaki Shinichi (Piano/Conducting). This is based on Manga of the same premise and characters, and the two leads did terrific jobs portraying the stressed-out, uppity conductor wonna-be Chiaki, and the flaky, unrealistic kindergarten teaching hopeful, Noda. Tamaki Hiroshi as Chiaki Shinichi This is the fourth...