Over-the-Shoulder Lover Summer, 2007, JDorama that was a romantic comedy about two thirty-ish females with opposite personalities who, despite that fact, have been life-long friends.Hayasaka Moe (Yonekura Ryoko) was raped and now has this sub-conscious aversion to commitment, and with little faith in men.She's a working chick at a cross-roads in her life when a sixteen-year old runaway (Sano Kazuma as Akiyama Takashi) enters her life in the...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Guilty / Akuma to Keiyakushita Onna

ギルティ 悪魔と契約した女 Fall to Winter, 2010, Mystery/Suspense JDorama that starred Kanno Miho as Nogami Meiko and Tamaki Hiroshi as Mashima Takuro, with Meiko being a mild-mannered dog groomer with a curious past and Takuro being a detective on the hunt for a criminal.At age seventeen, and while still in high school, Meiko was accused of lacing some chocolates with poison that killed her brother-in-law and his son.Stranger still, no one, not even...
By AsianDramaQueen on March 24, 2011
Akuma to Keiyakushita Onna, Guilty, Tamaki Hiroshi, ギルティ 悪魔と契約した女, 玉木宏

Bin jip 2004 Korean movie that stars Lee Hyun kyoon as a drifter who posts circulars on doors and then returns to see which houses haven't touched them so he can break in, browse through their personal shit, eat their food, take some candid shots of him with the owners (via portraits he poses beside), and he maybe does some laundry for them before eventually leaving.Aside from a few run-in's with the homeowners, this movie had little dialogue;...
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Hana Kimi / 花ざかりの君たちへ

Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi E2007 JDorama that starred Oguri Shun as Sano Izumi, Mizushima Hiro as Nanba Minami (2nd Dorm Leader), Ikuta Toma as Nakatsu Shuichi, Kimura Ryo as Senri Nakao, Okada Masaki as Sekime Kyogo, Yamamoto Yusuke as Kayashima Taiki, Igarashi Shunji as Noe Shinji, Mizobata Junpei as Saga Kazuma, Sakimoto Hiromi as Kyobashi Arata, Chiyo Shota as Yodoyabashi Taichi, Tajima Ryo as Arashiyama Jyo, Shimegi Enoku as Tannowa Kyoichi, Okada...
By AsianDramaQueen on March 06, 2011
Hana Kimi, Ikuta Toma, JDorama, Mizushima Hiro, Oguri Shun, Yamamoto Yusuke, 花ざかりの君たちへ
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